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Run BirMail_v5 Client

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This is a test page to run the latest test BirMail v5 program from the web. At the moment the server is not advanced enough to be permanently online, if you wish to view the latest version, email birmail_test for login details and times when the server can be accessed.

Main Aims In Re-writing BirMail

  • Client/Server based - This should allow multiple DM's to run turns simultaneously, reducing the workload and reliance on one DM running a single game.
    This will also allow players login securely to enter turns and see the exact details of their character's domain. Characters may also be able to follow the current turn processing status.

  • Switch To A Database - Moving to a single (MySQL) database. This should solve most of our file access difficulties experienced in BirMail v4. This will also reduce data corruption as well as lay the base for the client/server program.

  • Move To 3rd Ed Birthright and Characters - Although many people in the le_br game prefer to keep 2nd Ed, most people in the Birthright community appear to want to use only 3rd Ed. Therefore in order to look to the future of D&D the BirMail program must be based in 3rd Ed, while attempting to keep 2nd Ed open.
    2nd Ed Birthright rules should still be kept available.
    2nd Ed characters can be simulated through most of the 3rd Ed data fields

  • Re-do User Interface and Update Code - Re-writing BirMail is a chance to re-act to many of the lessons learnt while writing BirMail v4. This includes moving to a single main application window containing internal windows.

  • Utilise New Java Technology - BirMail v5 will run using the Java Networking Launch Protocol (JNLP). This should allow everyone easy access to the program, avoiding either having the application running in an applet (which then has browser dependant problems). This will also avoid complicated installation instructions for users, making the program much easier to use.

  • Reduction in DM Workload - With the new program, a large number of DM tasks will be reduced, including no longer needing to upload game web pages to a game web server. Also the new program will combine all parts off the BirMail system into one single client program.

Reference Documentation

Reference documentation about JavaRuntime/JNLP or the Java download which may be required (if you don't already have Java v1.3+), can be found below: